The coloration is amazing! Very well drawn! :-)
The coloration is amazing! Very well drawn! :-)
Thank you ^^
Well, doesn't look to painfull. They are smiling. :-P I like the look of this! :-D
Thank you!
This character is really beautiful and I love your way of coloration! :-)
Thanks luv :3 Glad you like it
I saw this in the thumbnail and my mind immediatly went "HOLY SHIT A FIRE AXOLOTL GIRL!!!!" --- So... yeah one can see the Acolotl part really well. The different poses of her movement are also very well done. :-)
You’re honestly spot on! While she doesn’t control fire or flames—Cyndee can conjur Thermal Heat, strong enough to burn underwater 🔥🧡
She’s a welcomed newcomer still, thank you so much ✨
Oh, I see you are on a winning streak right now! Congratulations here aswell. Also: What is the Newgrounds lottery! :-P
When you go to the community page there is a section called "user of the day" (UOTD). Every day it will be randomly picked from active Newgrounds users (so at least 1 post that month and non default pfp) who is the UOTD that day. After you get lucky and become UOTD your name goes to the archive and you can't get it again.
Another group of really well drawn and beautiful characters! I love them!
Thank you Maiden, this one’s a personal favorite
They are so very detailed. I think so far these are my most favourite characters of yours. I couldn't even decide which one to love the most, since they are all so differen! :-)
You’re very kind Maiden, I greatly appreciate all the kind words
These characters all look so creative and I love how you showed their different character traits with their poses! :-D
Thank you so much! Yea this one prolly aged the worst of my banners but there’s still a lot of charm I adore today
There are so many emotions here! I love that facial expression. Unforunatly my computer doesn't show a lot more than bright shapes, especially the green is so light that it is hard to see anything in the face of the bigger character. I think this is a probem of my desktop and not a problem of your drawing being as it is, but I thought I should say it nontheless. :-D
Sometimes, I make my drawings a little too bright, so I should tone it a little bit down the next time I make more.
This character is maybe my most favourite of yours. They look cuddly and cute and totally remind me of "Night in the Woods", but not in a "This is a redraw"-kind-of-way, more like "This is the aestetics I loved in this game and I love it here aswell"-meaning. :-)
Oh, I love Night in the Woods even tho I never finished it. So yeah, I can see the similarities!
I am an artist, animal keeper, and biologist from Germany.
Lately, my focus has been on programming my own LGBTQ-video-games.
You can find them here:
Animal Caretaker, Bi
Joined on 5/7/24