I am an artist, animal keeper, and biologist from Germany.
Lately, my focus has been on programming my own LGBTQ-video-games.
You can find them here:


Animal Caretaker, Bi


Joined on 5/7/24

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Selfmaiden's News

Posted by Selfmaiden - 2 weeks ago

Hello, Newgrounds community!

I think it's about time I introduced you to the main characters from my self-programmed romance simulator: Camille des Grieux and Rene Teleny. Over the course of this year, these two have become very dear to me, and I’m excited to finally share them with all of you.


Camille des Grieux

Birthday: February 26

Height: 179 cm

Camille des Grieux is a 19-year-old nobleman who comes across as shy, intelligent, and introverted. He often loses himself in deep thoughts, especially when listening to beautiful music. Living with his mother, Camille tries his best to become the man he feels he needs to be after his father left the family to follow his heart.

When Camille meets the pianist Rene Teleny for the first time, he falls in love at first sight. However, he struggles to admit his feelings due to fear of tarnishing his family's reputation and the weight of religious shame.


Rene Teleny

Birthday: March 5

Height: 165 cm

Rene Teleny is a Hungarian pianist who came to England in search of better opportunities. At the start of the story, he’s 20 years old. Despite coming from a poor family, Rene has managed to gain fame and build a small fortune, though he doesn’t always spend it wisely. Even with his indulgent lifestyle, he still finds ways to send money back to his family from time to time.

Rene is often seen as a free-spirited optimist who seems carefree, but only a few people know him well enough to see beyond this image. Beneath the surface, he struggles with depression and the pain of being separated from his roots.


Both Camille and Rene have their own complex struggles, but together, their story unfolds into something truly unique. I’m really excited to share more about them and the journey they’ll take in Teleny.

If you're intrigued by their story, keep an eye out for future updates and feel free to share your thoughts! Your input means a lot to me, and I’d love to hear what you think as I continue developing this project.



Posted by Selfmaiden - 3 weeks ago

Hey, Newgrounds community!

I’m thrilled to share that I’ve just uploaded the first chapter of my visual novel, Teleny and this is my very first blog entry here! 🎉


After drawing, making music and programming so much, I took a little "open-end-hiatus" last to explore different art styles and ideas. Well, that break turned out to be a bit more extended than planned. 😅

Despite the detour, I couldn’t resist jumping back into “Teleny” and diving into Chapter 2 while still polishing Chapter 1. The encouragement and support so far has been absolutely amazing, but since I am new here: What about telling you what I am doing?


“Teleny” is a victorian romance inspired by a source material that’s often attributed to Oscar Wilde. The original work, “The Reverse of the Medal” was written around the late 19th century, and it captures the poignant love story between the pianist Rene Teleny and the shy nobleman Camille des Grieux. I’ve reimagined it as an interactive romance simulator, hoping to bring this beautiful tale to life in a new way.


I’ve been genuinely overwhelmed by the warmth and positivity of the comments I've received. When I first began this project, I was nervous about creating a gay romance and sharing my work. I didn’t fully realize how much I’d need and appreciate your support until now.

I received a lot of kind words and encouragement and this meant the world to me.

I hope some of you will be joining me on this journey aswell.

And for those who might not have seen it yet, here’s the link to the game on Itch:

Teleny (Romance Simulator) by Selfmaiden - Jule he/him (itch.io)

Check it out, (there is a free demo version) and let me know what you think!

Catch you in the next update!

Warm regards,

